Merry Christmas from the Yellow House!

Merry Christmas from the Yellow House!  We have all be super busy, getting ready for all the festivities that the holidays bring.  Care to take a look?  Of course you do, don't lie.

There were Christmas gifts to be made.

You can't expect us to reveal too much, now!  Christmas isn't until tomorrow after all.
And there were stockings to make and hang,
Stefan slaving away at the sewing machine, once again.
The finished product!
Hanging our stocking presented a problem since we have no mantel or even a wall we can put holes in without the 80 year old plaster crumbling off.  Turns out, our little book vignettes make pretty sturdy hangers. 

And check out these cute kiddos!  Can you spot your favorite Yellow House resident?

Stefan, age 3
Katie, age 3

Amanda, age 5

Brandon, age 9
 And what is that you spy over our stockings?  Oh, that would be Brandon's Christmas Village- the crown jewel of our festive decorations.  Just a few of the fab shots captured by B & A.

There was also a tree to be decorated, 
The living room pre-tree...

...the tree being fitted....

...and being lit...

...posed with...
Our tree's name is Nigel.  He is a nobel fir.  We love him.
...and decorated.

That pretty much brings us to today.  To celebrate the first annual Yellow House Christmas we had a delicious breakfast of vegan monkey bread (see an upcoming post for the recipe),  bacon and fruit salad.  And there was lots of laughter and overall goofing off.  Meals are fun around here, if you hadn't guessed.

And then there were stockings and gifts.  It was a lovely and relaxing way to spend our last morning together before heading off to our various family gatherings. I love these people and I am so happy we got to have our own special Christmas together.

Merry Christmas from SKAB (aka the Yellow House).
xoxo Katie

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